Narragansett Bay has experienced
dramatic changes over the last century, from being a dumping place for sewage
and industrial pollutants to a near paradise for recreational swimming and
boating. But changes continue to occur, whether from the warming climate,
invasive species, fluctuating wastewater effluent or other factors.
As University of Rhode Island
oceanography professor Candace Oviatt told an audience of fishermen, scientists
and students last week, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen an average day on
Narragansett Bay. The bay is always changing. Every year is different. Whether
we like it or not, the bay is going to keep changing.”
Oviatt’s comments were part of a
daylong symposium sponsored by Rhode Island Sea Grant aimed at creating a
dialogue between fishermen – many of whom are worried that the
bay has gotten
so clean that there is little food left for fish to eat – and scientists whose
research tells a sometimes confusing story of how the changing bay ecology
might give that erroneous impression.
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Narragansett Bay photo by Frank Carini/EcoRI News |
While most of the scientists claim
that their research suggests that the biomass of fish and other creatures
living in Narragansett Bay has changed little through the years, almost all
said the composition of species that call the bay home has changed
A weekly fish trawl survey in two
locations in the bay conducted since 1959 illustrates those changes. According
to Jeremy Collie, the URI oceanography professor who directs the trawl, in the
early years of the survey most of the species collected in the nets were fish
and invertebrates that live on or near the bottom, like lobster, winter
flounder, tautog, cunner and hake. Those species also happen to prefer cooler
In recent years, the species that
prefer warmer waters and that live higher in the water column have dominated
the trawl survey results, including butterfish, scup and squid.
“Very few species are standing still
or swimming in place,” said Collie, noting that similar patterns have taken
place in estuaries throughout the Northeast. “All are either increasing or decreasing.
And some have had really big changes.”
One of the major drivers of change
in the bay is nutrient levels, primarily nitrogen and phosphorous, which
largely come from discharges from wastewater treatment plants. Those nutrients
stimulate the growth of plankton, which are fed upon by fish and a wide variety
of marine invertebrates. But when nutrient levels are too high, it can cause
harmful algae blooms and oxygen depletion in the water, which can lead to
massive fish kills like the one that occurred in Greenwich Bay in 2003.
Stricter discharge regulations for
wastewater treatment plants since the mid-2000s has reduced nutrient levels
significantly, leading to much clearer and cleaner water, especially in the
upper bay. But it has prompted some fishermen, including lobsterman Al Eagles,
to worry that Narragansett Bay has become “a dead bay.” Their concerns are in
part because the decline of popular species like winter flounder and lobster
seemed to occur at the same time that discharge regulations were tightened.
Oviatt acknowledged that nutrient
levels in the upper bay have declined by 50 percent since 2004, which resulted
in a 33 percent decrease in “primary production” – the growth of plankton,
especially algae. This has significantly decreased the size of the annual
winter/spring plankton bloom that occurs throughout the bay and serves as the
base of the food web, when it sinks to the bottom and is fed upon by crabs,
fish and other species.
“When we have a short winter/spring
bloom, or no bloom, we have low input of organic matter to the sea floor,”
Oviatt said. “The consequence is lower biomass to the benthos [seafloor] and
pelagic fish dominating the bay.”
She said this partly explains
Collie’s findings that the species composition in the bay has shifted from
bottom species to species living higher in the water column.
“Are there fewer fish in the bay? I
don’t think so,” she said. “We’ve had a dramatic decrease in the bottom
community, which started in the 1990s. Our decapods [crustaceans like lobsters
and crabs] have basically left the bay.”
Oviatt said that nutrients in the
bay are still three times higher than they were before Europeans colonized New
England, but just a few decades ago, when more sewage was being discharged into
local waters, nutrient levels were up to five times higher than in pre-colonial
“Wastewater treatment facilities are
still the major contributor of nutrients to the bay,” she said.
Yet Oviatt and others said that
decreases in nutrients from wastewater plants aren’t the only reason for the
changes to marine life in Narragansett Bay.
Robinson Fulweiler, a professor at
Boston University who studies nutrients in the bay, said that the warming
climate is causing some species to move northward to cooler waters and other
species to arrive here from the south. And other factors complicate the
Responding to a question about the
“best” level of nutrients in the bay, she said it depends on what you’re
looking for. “The estuary a purist wants to go
back to is not likely the one that fishermen might want.”
This article first appeared on on December 10, 2017.
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